Mondragon Assembly completes training programme for Zergoun Green Energy in Algeria
The line, which started manufacturing its first modules at the beginning of April, already has all the ingredients to be able to manufacture at full capacity.

It has been almost 2 months since the news came out that Zergoun Green Energy had started producing its first modules on the 200MW line manufactured and provided by Mondragon Assembly.
After overcoming this important milestone, it was time to obtain superior results in terms of efficiency and quality. For this reason, several members of Mondragon Assembly’s Solar team spent two weeks at Zergoun Green Energy’s facilities accompanying and training their team on topics such as module quality, certification assistance, line efficiency and product range expansion, among others.

“It has been once again a very satisfactory experience. Our main goal at Mondragon Assembly is to stay by the customer’s side, accompanying and listening closely to their needs so that we can give them the right answer when they need it most,” Sofiane Kallel, Project Manager, points out.

“During this time, we have been able to share and get to know their needs closely in order to adapt the training to their specific requirements with the aim of guaranteeing the best possible quality and optimum photovoltaic module mass production,” Adds Izaro Aretxaga, Process Technician and responsible for the training given at Zergoun.
Mondragon Assembly, more than a Partner
As mentioned on many occasions, Mondragon Assembly is not only a supplier of automatic solar panel manufacturing lines, but also a partner who accompanies the customer throughout the life of the project, accompanying them and providing the knowledge and appropriate technology to ensure the competitiveness of its photovoltaic modules, providing support in all parts of the world thanks to its international presence.