Tabber & Stringers
Individual equipment
Our combined Tabber & Stringer machines are accurate, reliable and easy to operate. Our proven technology, combined with a modular design and advanced features are key factors for a very low Total Cost of Ownership and high productivity.
We have a wide variety of Tabber & Stringers suit all production needs.

Our Tabber & Stringers weld solar cells to wire or ribbon in order
to interconnect them electrically and create cell strings. These strings
will be matrixed in the lay-up system immediately after the stringing process.
- Minimal change-over time
- Improved quality control in cell and string production
- Easy integration with the MES system
- Autodiagnosis
- Ergonomic, easy access to any part of the machine
- A smaller machine that is easier to assemble and optimises space
- Patented Continuous Stringing process
Main Features
- Contactless IR soldering technology
- Contactless flux dispensing system
- Servo-driven belt
- Anti-camber systems to improve tab straightness
- Multiple process recipes.
- Cell positioning and string vision check
- Cell temperature control with several stages
Module technologies
- Cell size up to M12+
- Up to 22 BB
- Suitable for BIPV modules
- Cell types: Poly, mono PERC and TOPCON
- Cut-cells and bifacial cells