At Mondragon Assembly, we are present throughout the service life of the project, becoming the technological company that ensures the competitiveness of the PV module manufacturer.

Consultory & assistance

In collaboration with the best known European research centres in the photovoltaic sector, we offer an initial technological consultancy service and throughout the life of the project, ensuring technological adaptation to the needs of each client.
In this way, we ensure the technological evolution of all the solutions we develop.

At Mondragon Assembly, we offer our partners support in developing the necessary business plan in the initial phase of the project. Our partners can benefit from our extensive experience in the field of photovoltaics: raw material costs, processing costs, financial needs, development of the supply chain, risk analysis, markets, etc.

Training is a key factor for the profitability of a production line.
We propose a complete training programme according to the needs of each project, offering a wide range of training programmes for different departments that are involved in the manufacturing business, such as purchase, quality, and manufacturing, among others.
Support for manufacturing

The production ramp-up period is a sensitive phase of the implementation of a production line. At Mondragon Assembly, we design suitable ramp-up support for each project we set up.
We support the customer throughout the period from initial production to maximum capacity utilisation, characterised by product and process experimentation and improvements.
We have highly qualified local teams: Europe, MENA, Africa, India, North America, and South America. Trainings can be given in the local language.

The correct selection of the BOM (Bill Of Materials) is one of the most critical factors in the photovoltaic industry. This correct selection ensures an optimised supply, product quality, maximisation of profitability, optimisation of production processes, and product versatility, among others.
We support our partners in the raw materials selection, with direct full BOM supply, optimisation of raw material suppliers, quality assessment, and approval.
Module certification

The official certification of modules requires time and knowledge. Mondragon Assembly proposes fast-track certifications for several top-quality referential modules. With this fast-track, the manufacturer will achieve a considerable reduction in the project launch time.

We offer you a complete certification programme in cooperation with the best international laboratories.
Thanks to our long-term experience in the PV business, we are able to help our partners with any special certification requirement for solar module customisation.
Maintenance & control
The high production capacity of today’s solar lines requires exhaustive and precise monitoring and control. For that reason, Mondragon Assembly provides a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to keep the tracking of each module, as well as to assist in all the manufacturing processes involved.
Our automatic MES system provides the following services:
- Module traceability: The ability to verify the history and location of a solar module throughout its production process.
- Automatic data collecting: Combined with “Module traceability”, all the data is collected at the corresponding moment and stored automatically for each of the produced modules.
- Material registration: The MES software provides the ability to track the reference numbers of the raw material used on each module.
- Factory control: Factory control tool provides standard Mondragon Assembly reports about what it is happening on the line. It covers from the final production results report to master tables of the information about suppliers of raw materials.
- Quality control: The MES provides a high control of all defective modules and strings. This service provides a faster way of finding problem causes.

- Real-time control of the production process.
- Easier way of finding problem causes.
- Historical production data.
- Automatic data collection.
- Automatic module classification.
- Production quality control.
- Tracking of each module produced in the production line.

We offer to our customers a preventive and predictive maintenance service according to their needs. We adapt our solutions in order to anticipate future technical problems. With that, our customers can minimise or avoid unscheduled production interruptions whilst improving the cost efficiency of the production line.

We offer a high level of connectivity of our machines and production lines using the most advanced digital technology. Taking advantage of that, Mondragon Assembly offers an open and flexible digital platform that is capable of capturing any information from several machines and saving it in order to visualise it and apply the most advanced analytics techniques.
The integration of these technologies allow us to offer our customers the most advanced control in critical manufacturing processes, better assistance service, and higher production efficiency.